Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 14th

Weight: 164.6 lbs.

Snack: 2 pieces of Light Rye Wasa Crisp crackers & 1 T. low-fat peanut butter = 150 calories

1 glass water

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13th:

Weight: 167.8 lbs.

AM exercise: run, 2.3 miles in 24 minutes = 274 calories

Breakfast: one egg + 3 T. egg whites with half a green pepper, 2 green onions, a handful of spinach, half a roma tomato, & 3 mushrooms = 225 calories

4 glasses of water

Lunch: Large handful mixed baby greens, 2 green onions, half a green pepper, 2 mushrooms, a few baby artichokes, 1/2 cup chickpeas, a small handful of diced white-meat chicken...T. homemade viniagrette: tiny spash of oil, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, salt & pepper = 300 calories

2 glasses water

Snack: low-sugar italian ice = 60 calories

Dinner: Large handful mixed baby greens, 1 small grilled chicken breast, largen handful chopped, steamed broccoli, one small onion & three mushrooms sauteed in water & balsamic vinegar with 1/2 T. homemade viniagrette = 350 calories

2 glasses water

Snack: low-sugar italian ice = 60 calories

2 glasses water


Overall, it was a pretty good start. I would like to cut out even the low-cal/low-sugar snacks and add another round of exercise in the evening, but for day one, I'll take it. I was a hideous monster to be around...no sugar does that to me...so I apologize to anyone who came in contact with me, especially my daughter & husband.

The Set Up

Okay. This is probably going to be an embarrassing blog. I actually kind of hope no one reads it. Here's the truth: I need to lose to weight. And I need to lose weight quickly. One of my best friends is getting married at the end of September and I am no where near the shape I want to be in. I don't even honestly think I will fit into the bridesmaid dress I bought months ago. Hey, don't judge...I'm a busy mom with a major sweet tooth and I just moved my family from our home of six years to a new city thousands of miles away. It's been a tough time for me and holy hell do I eat a lot when I'm stressed. So anyway...I need to lose weight. Like pronto. And I need to lose a lot. I know losing a lot of weight too quickly isn't exactly healthy, but I'm out of breath just walking up one flight of stairs and I'm pretty sure that isn't healthy either. So here we are...I have about a month and a half to lose 20-25 lbs. Can I do that? Yeah, I think I can. When I really put my mind to something, I usually always accomplish it. Especially when it comes to dieting. BUT, I need to be held accountable. And that's where this blog comes in. So...here we go. I know this isn't going to be pleasant. I'm going to have to cut out just about everything I love: sugar, fat, salt, alcohol. And I'm going to have to exercise...a LOT. But, I know I can do it. And I know showing up at the wedding and feeling like a million bucks will be the best reward ever. It's just six weeks so it's time to suck it up, work hard, and get through it. AND LOSE THE WEIGHT!!!